4/2/16 Mini-Reunion
April 24th 2016 Mini-Reunion
For the second year in a row, we’ve been lucky to have a mini-reunion of our class. This time, Clint and Elizabeth Smith hosted a wonderfully pleasant late afternoon gathering at their home in Lexington, which saw a total of 20 Noblepeople. Bill Mills and wife Helene, whom we missed at our 50th were there/showed up; Seattle residents Alexander Caskey and his wife Carmen Lozano also joined the party. We gave special welcome to our ever-present friend DA Mittell (‘62), Matt Schmid ‘65, and Colin Cunningham ‘63 with wife North. Others in attendance were Ned and Sandy Bigelow, Ned and Janet Lawson, Maurice and Dena Hamilburg, David Brooks, George Darrell, Bill Miles and Helene Rassias-Miles, Topher Cutler, Clint and Elizabeth Smith of course, Rick Farlow, Mike and Gail Wiggins, and Alexander Caskey and Carmen Lozano.
This is an emerging practice and one which we hope will see continuity as time progresses. Some of the impetus for keeping this momentum alive comes from an observation by Karen Rhydal at our fiftieth, who reported that because their bonds were so strong, her class had begun holding annual reunions instead of one every five years, and she urged us to do the same.
It was wonderful to have so many of us together again and a remarkable testament to the spirit of our class. The food and drink (generously provided by the Smiths) were abundant and delicious, and old friendships were renewed.