Saturday Afternoon Crew Reunion


Front row, l to r: Grossman, Watson -- Back row, l to r: Lawson, Darrell, Brooks, Reece, Glidden, Wolbach, Bolster, Cutler

Dick Grossman at the helm

Dick Grossman at the helm


Fin Glidden shows Sandy Bolster the latest look in rowing attire

Fin Glidden shows Sandy Bolster the latest look in rowing attire

Out of the boathouse

Out of the boathouse



...down we go

...down we go

All seats occupied and the boat is right side up. Amazing.

All seats occupied and the boat is right side up. Amazing.

Topher Cutler looking cool and taking charge

Topher Cutler looking cool and taking charge


From left: Annie, Traver, Elizabeth, and Clint Smith and Peter Hamilton

Öh no - I can't look" - Frank Reece and Karen Rydahl

"Oh no - I can't look" - Frank Reece and Karen Rydahl


Frank Reece

Frank Reece

Fin Glidden

Fin Glidden

B Wolbach


Art "This thing steers by itself" Watson

Just like the old days...

All present and accounted for

Home again

Steen Rydahl, Diane Gonzalez, and Karen Rydahl

Crew Squad 1964

Crew Squad 1964

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